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100 photo(s) Updated on: 11 Nov 2024
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  • Waiting at the corner of Edgehill Academy and Paige (Saturday, May 8, 2021).
  • Chris and Nick at the Hopewell parking lot (Saturday May 8, 2021).
  • Mo, Kelly, Jenny, taken at the Rest Stop Church on Saturday, May 1, 2021.
  • From left to right: Mark, Eric, Dennis, Bernard at the Rest Stop Church, Saturday May 1, 2021.
  • Mark, Jenny, and our very conscientious Saturday morning Hopewell ride leader, Calvin. Taken May 1, 2021.
  • This is only HALF the folks that came to Hopewell on a Thursday morning in April. What a popular ride!
  • Tony and Mo sporting her Breast Cancer Awareness jerseys at Hopewell (Apr 29). Contact her if you want to purchase a jersey, the funds of which go to a great cause!
  • We were all SHOCKED(!) to find a pink parking space at Caroline County High School with "Mo" painted right on it! Well, OUR Mo just couldn't pass up THAT photo op....
  • Our Tuesday night Ride Leader, Clay Howard, smiling (yes, smiling!) as he pulls his way up one of the huge hills at Belle Plains (Apr 27, 2021).
  • Debrien and Eric, rounding the first corner on the Belle Plains ride (Apr 27, 2021).
  • Mike, Trish, Dave, Clay on the Belle Plains hill climb (Apr 27, 2021).
  • Tuesday night Mormon Church hill climb, April 27, 2021.
  • Tuesday night, Mormon Church Ride, going around the first corner after the start of the ride (Apr 27, 2021).
  • Mike, Dave and Patricia, Tuesday night at the Mormon Church (Apr 27, 2021).
  • Seven wonderful folks rode from Arritt Park around Lake Anna on Monday (Apr 26). That's Tom and Jerry on the far left.
  • Dennis, Shawn, Carly and Ron at the Rest Stop Church, Saturday April 24, 2021.
  • Our fierce tandem duo, Diane and Dave Burkett. That's Tony Estrada on the right. April 20, 2021.
  • Our rag-a-muffin band of riders at a brand new intersection on a brand new set of roads from Hopewell Church. We crossed over Route 301 into East Caroline County territory.
  • Clay took this picture of Mike at the Apples and Peaches Ride (Apr 25, 2021).
  • Dennis Jones, Kelly Fraber, Ron Fox, Meghan Waymire, Dennis and Kelly Rapkins, and John Gates at the corner of Bull Church and Cedon Roads, Caroline County, VA. (Apr 17, 2021).
  • Mo's favorite "spot." Shawn's doing his very best not to look, even has his eyes closed tight. (Apr 15, 2021).
  • Despite the wet, cloudy, gray start, eleven folks showed up at Hopewell for a 38-mile scenic ride through Caroline County (Apr 15, 2021).
  • Waiting for a freight train to pass at a railroad crossing in beautiful downtown Woodford, April 6, 2021.
  • The Tuesday night guys ready to roll. That's our Ride Captain on the far left. Picture taken Apr 13, 2021.
  • Fellow nurses Joan and Jeannie approaching Remington Town Hall near the end of Sunday's ride, April 11, 2021.
  • Veteran cyclist and marathon runner Karen Schumm pedaling her way through Fauquier County, April 11, 2021.
  • Jeannie is one of the few people who can SMILE while pedaling her way through the hills of Fauquier County, April 11, 2021.
  • A motley crew before the Remington Ride, Sunday, April 11, 2021. That's our club president, man #2!
  • The other half of our motley crew on Sunday, April 11, 2021, just before we head out for the hills in Fauquier County. Look at Carly, far right, on her brand new Specialized Aethos.
  • This is "Kelly the Younger" out for a ride with Dani and Tony as they make that all-too-often right hand turn on to Paige from Edgehill Academy.
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