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Thursday Evening Ride

  • 03 May 2018
  • 6:00 PM
  • Andrews Chapel UMC 1732 Brooke Rd Stafford, VA

Thursday Evening Ride


               Andrews Chapel UMC

                1732 Brooke Rd Stafford, VA

Time:  6 PM

Please park near the gazebo and not near the main building.

There are no restroom facilities available, so make plans accordingly.  A headlight and taillight are highly recommended in case you do not finish prior to sunset.

Distances:  11, 17, 20 and 25.  The 11 mile route is relatively flat and the 17, 20 and 25 mile routes will be more challenging.

Ride Leader: Clay Howard  betsyalc@va.metrocast.net

RWGPS routes: https://ridewithgps.com/events/40949-thursday-evening-ride

Ride Leader:  Clay Howard betsyalc@va.metrocast.net

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