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Tuesday Evening Ride

  • 31 Jul 2018
  • 6:00 PM
  • 20 Boscobel Rd., Fredericksburg, VA 22405

Tuesday Evening Ride!


Start:  6 pm


Location: Mormon Church

                20 Boscobel Rd., Fredericksburg, VA 22405

Please park away from the church in the area on the left.  Must use the parking pass provided by the ride leader.  Please do not change clothes outside of your car.  

A headlight and taillight are highly recommended in case you do not finish prior to sunset.


Distances: 13, 18, 23


Ride Leader: Clay Howard  betsyalc@va.metrocast.net

RWGPS Routes:  https://ridewithgps.com/events/40970-tuesday-evening-ride

Tuesday Night Routes.docx



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