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Hartwood Reverse Ride

  • 17 Mar 2019
  • 10:00 AM
  • Hartwood Elementary School, 14 SHACKLEFORD’S WELL ROAD, Hartwood, VA 22406

Hartwood Reverse Ride



Start: 10 am

Distance(s): 42 and 33   

NOTE:  Description to be updated and RWGPS file added 


Be sure to download the Cue Sheets so you are self-sufficient on the course. We ride out of the Hartwood Elementary School which is on the corner of Hartwood Road (Route 612) and Shackleford Well. All the routes leave the school taking us out the southern part of Stafford to the quiet roads of Fauquier county.

To get to the school take I-95 to Route 17 North towards Warrenton, Exit 133B. Go approximately 7 miles and make a right on Route 612. This right is at the light at the Hartwood post office and before the Hartwood Volunteer Fire Department. Travel about .2 mile and the school is on your right. There is a small parking lot by the playground where we meet. There are porta toilets near the start.

Hartwood Reverse.pdf

33-miles https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29121168

42-miles https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29121043

Ride Leader:  John Summer

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