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Holiday Party

  • 14 Dec 2019
  • 5:00 PM

Dane Karcher and his family invite you to this year's Holiday Party for the Fredericksburg  Cyclists Club.   The event is planned for December 14, 2019 at 5 PM and will be located at Dane and Valya's home at 5504 Heritage Hills Circle, Fredericksburg 22407. Qdoba or Chipotle will be provided followed by games and socializing. We will have soft drinks available and you are welcome to bring a beverage of your choice, if you desire.

There will be a "Thieves Gift Exchange" (rules to be made up at a later date) and all you need to do in order to get in on the fun is bring a gift valued $25 or less.  Participation is not necessary to have fun, but a gift is required in order to participate.

We hope you and your family are able to make it.  We ask that you RSVP no later than December 12th by replying to dane@fls.net so we know how many to plan for.    

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