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Partlow Ride

  • 29 Aug 2021
  • 9:00 AM (EDT)
  • 5979 Partlow Road, Spotsylvania VA 22553

Partlow Ride

Distances: 25, 29, 35, 38, 45, 51 

Location: Berkeley Elementary School 5979 Partlow Road in Spotsylvania, VA.

Ride Description: The "Old" Partlow ride is new again.  Now that the long-closed Mt. Olive Road bridge has been re-opened, we are going back to our old, albeit slightly modified routes.  Our 38 and 51 mile routes again use Beaverdam store as rest stop where you can use the port-a-potty, pick up a snack or buy a Baby Glock all at the same time.  

The route is slightly rolling, but will no serious climbing hills.  There are no rest rooms at Berkeley Elementary so plan accordingly.  

Routes:  https://ridewithgps.com/events/128638-pt-wildy-popular-partlow-ride

Ride Leader: Mike Foreman, ForemanM@gao.gov

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