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Ingleside Vineyards Ride

  • 29 May 2022
  • 9:00 AM
  • 5782 Leedstown Rd, Oak Grove, VA


  • General Registration

Registration is closed

Ingleside Vineyards Ride 

Start:  Ingleside Vineyards, 5782 Leedstown Rd, Oak Grove, VA, 9:00am

Description: Join us the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, May 29th, for a beautiful ride through Westmoreland  County.  Ingleside Vineyards is having a special event that day and is allowing us to park along their second, back driveway and attend afterwards. There will be live music, wine tasting, a food truck and more.  Entry is free.  Details for this event can be found at: https://inglesidevineyards.com/event/acoustic-sunday-may-29-2022/

Please register so we can give the winery a head count.

Parking:  If traveling SOUTH on Leedstown Rd from Route 3, please pull into the SECOND DRIVEWAY on the left after the main gate driveway and park on the grass.  

Bathrooms:  There are no bathrooms at the start, as the winery will not be open yet.  Please make a pit stop at Sheetz or Wawa on your way.

Routes:  Riders can choose 24, 36, 41 or 44 miles.  The 41- and 44-mile routes routes include views of the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers and a visit to Montross and Westmoreland State Park.  The 24- and 36-mile routes utilize the same quiet roads and the latter goes to Westmoreland State Park. 

Pace:   C/C+ pace (about 15mph) and one D-pace no-drop (12 mph).  Faster paces may self-organize.  See below for details.

Ride Leader:  Primary ride leader Kelly Rapkins, glassgirl82@gmail.com

24-Mile Route  No-Drop (led by Rosemary Pitts, D pace):  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39478507

36-Mile Route (led by Mike Foreman, C pace):  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/30556838

41-Mile Route (No ride leader):  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39478515

44-Mile Route (led by Kelly Rapkins, C+ pace):  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39478523

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