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Breakfast Club

  • 12 Jul 2022
  • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
  • Hopewell Methodist Church, 12018 Guinea Dr, Woodford, VA 22580


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Breakfast club

Description:  Join Irene Ultee and Bob Kash for a lovely early morning ride around the country roads of Caroline and Spotsylvania Counties. Bob and Irene keep a relaxed, conversational pace and usually travel about 30-35 miles. They have been doing this ride for years and know these roads better than anyone. They would love to have some newcomers join them!

Location: Hopewell Methodist Church, 12018 Guinea Dr, Woodford, VA 22580

Start time: 8:00am. Be early because Bob and Irene leave on time.

Pace: Relaxed, conversational, about 12mph.  This is a relaxed ride but please be sure you are comfortable cycling a distance of about 30 miles or more before joining them.  Feel free to email Bob or Irene with any questions.

Ride Leader: Irene Ultee, ireneultee@gmail.com; Bob Kash, bkash1@cox.net

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