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Bistro Ride

  • 13 Aug 2023
  • 8:00 AM
  • 7610 Heths Salient St. Spotsylvania, VA 22553


Registration is closed

Ride from the Bistro

Description:  Ride the back country near the Spotsylvania Courthouse. You begin and finish at the historic Spotsylvania Courthouse area (Gazebo/Bistro) riding through beautiful Spotsylvania countryside.   We will meet in the back parking lot near the Subway.

We will plan to meet up for lunch at the new Italian restaurant following the ride.

Group:  ABC

Distance(s):  26, 31, 45, 60. 

RWGPS routeshttps://ridewithgps.com/events/40955-bistro-ride

Ride Leader: John Summer, 540 846-3821 

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