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Tuesday Evening Ride

  • 19 Sep 2023
  • 6:00 PM
  • Mormon Church 20 Boscobel Rd., Fredericksburg, VA 22405


Registration is closed

Tuesday Evening Ride!

Pace: ABCD


Mormon Church

20 Boscobel Rd.

Fredericksburg, VA 22405


Please park at the back of the church in the parking area on the left. There are no restroom facilities available, so plan accordingly.  The average pace for this ride is between 13 mph to 19 mph depending on the riders that show up.  The route is well marked at the turn points.  The majority of the ride is on back roads that don't have a lot of vehicle traffic and are safe.   

Please do not change clothes outside of your car because they have youth events that occur on some ride evenings.  

Distances: 13, 18, 23

Ride Leader: Todd Wunderly;  twunder88@gmail.com

or Clay Howard; betsyalc@va.metrocast.net

or Chuck Daniels; chuck.daniels@gmail.com

RWGPS Routes:  https://ridewithgps.com/events/40970-tuesday-evening-ride

Tuesday Night Routes.docx

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