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Warrenton Ride

  • 24 Sep 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Fauquier County High School, 705 Waterloo Dr, Warrenton, VA 20186


Registration is closed

Warrenton Ride

Ride Description:  This is a beautiful ride on the Fauquier county backroads past the beautiful horse farms in the Warrenton area. The ride features rolling hills on mostly smooth, paved roads and overlaps a great deal with the famous Great Pumpkin Ride.  There is a rest stop at the market in Orleans and another at the Marshall Diner for the longer ride.  Join us for lunch afterwards at Foster'sGrille.

Start Time:  TBD.  9:00am or earlier, depending on the starting temps.

Lunch afterwards: Foster's Grille, 20 Broadview Ave, Warrrenton, VA

Route: Ride leader Mike Foreman plans on doing the 36-mile route. See RWGPS link below for details.

Parking:  We will meet in the Fauquier County High School parking lot at 705 Waterloo Dr,  Warrenton, VA 20186

RwGPS Routeshttps://ridewithgps.com/events/139300-wg-warrenton-routes

Ride Leader:  Chuck Daniels   chuck.daniels@gmail.com

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