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Loving Day Ride

  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • Caroline County Community Center, 17202 Richmond Turnpike, Milford, VA


Registration is closed

This is the second annual Loving Day ride in honor of Richard and Mildred Loving who in 1967 won the Supreme Court Case which overturned the ban on interracial marriages.   They are buried at St. Stephen's church in Central Point.  We will make a brief stop by their home on Passing Road then a stop at the church cemetery.  

The standard Loving Day route is a 42-mile loop, but a shorter return route is also listed below.  The most direct route from Central Point to the Community Center is to follow Sparta road to 301.

There are restrooms inside the Community Center.  They are generally open before 9am, but if not go to the Health center on the south side of the building.  They are open at 8am and have been very good to us. 

This is the route for Thursday 13 June 2024, the Loving Day route.  There are no stores on this route, but churches with water are noted on the file.  

https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42924386 (42 miles)

https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46987991 (31-miles Short route)

Ride leader:  Paul Cariker pjcariker@comcast.net

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