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YMCA Sunday Ride

  • 19 May 2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • 5700 Smith Station Rd, Spotsylvania, VA


Registration is closed

Sunday Ride from the YMCA

When  05 May 2024

Location: Spotsylvania YMCA, 5700 Smith Station Road, Spotsylvania, VA

Come out ride with us from the YMCA in Spotsylvania. This ride takes you through the south part of Spotsylvania. Ride distance will be per group decision and could vary between 30 - 50 miles. New members and guest who would like to get a feel of the club rides are welcome. Ride Leader (RL) will go into NO DROP mode with new and guest members. RL is good at maintaining the "social' aspect of FCC, yapping and jokes allowed, lol 

Ride is NO GO if Weather Channel has rain forecast at 20% or higher at ride start.

Group:  BC 

Ride Leader average pace is Group C (12-15 mph). RL will have occasional Group B (16-18 mph) pace on flat surface. RL is not able to sustain Group B pace for a long time, lol. 

RWGPS routes: 

      Marked Routes:  https://ridewithgps.com/events/40986-sy-spotsylvania-ymca-primary-routes

Additional Routes:  https://ridewithgps.com/events/83099-sy-spotsylvania-ymca-alternate-routes

Ride Leader;   Tony Estrada;    testr06055@aol.com

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