Paul’s Caroline County History Ride #1
Where: Hopewell Methodist Church
12018 Guinea Dr
Woodford, VA 22580
When: Friday 16 August 2024
Time: 9am
Description: This is an easy 23-mile ride (can be reduced to 18 miles) with multiple stops to discuss historic 18th and 19th century homes in the Woodford area and the people who lived there as well as certain historic events including Civil War activity. This is geared toward riders with an interest in the history in this particular area of Woodford, VA as well as beginning/social riders who want to do an easy 10-13 mph pace between stops.
The ride begins at Hopewell church with a discussion of the history of Guinea Station and the important and influential Chandler family. Some stops such as Guinea store will involve multiple (albeit short) topics such as the Cosmopolitan Inn (a famous local African-American juke joint), Hilltop house and the Rozell family for whom Rozell road is named. Other stops will address the several descendants of the George Washington family who owned property in this area to include Woodpecker farm.
The points of interest on the RWGP file address the topics, not necessarily all the stops.
This ride is intended to be the first of several “history” rides in Caroline county depending on interest.
Please register as the ride leader will have printed handouts as takeaways.
POC: Paul Cariker