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Mary Walters Ride

  • 14 Jul 2024
  • 9:00 AM (EDT)
  • Mary Walter Elementary - 4529 Morrisville Rd. Bealton Va 22712


Registration is closed

Mary Walters Bike Ride

Terrain is moderately rolling. Distance options are 24, 39, or 49 miles.  

   Start location - Mary Walter Elementary School. From Falmouth Bridge (Rt. 1 and 17 intersection) take Rt. 17 North 18 miles to Rt. 835 on the left side of Rt. 17. Park in Mary Walter Elementary School Parking Lot.

Group:  ABCD

Route Information: Routes of 24, 39 and 49 miles will be available.  

All routes use Remington as a rest stop (10 mile mark).  The 49 route has an additional rest stop at Elk Run store.

NOTE:  Please bring a cue sheet with you if you need one.    

                         RwGPS Routes:  https://ridewithgps.com/events/121170-mw-mary-walter-ride

Additional RwGPS Routeshttps://ridewithgps.com/events/151019-mw-mary-walter-alternate-routes

Ride Leader:  John Summer, 540-846-3821

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