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FCC Virtual Club Ride

  • 20 Jan 2025
  • 11:00 AM
  • Virtual


  • Used to register riders for virtual events

Registration is closed

FCC Virtual Club Rides

Description:  Join the club on a virtual Club ride through the different countries in Zwift.  These virtual rides are a great alternative to those cold, bitter, snowy or wet days when you can't get outside.  This will be are considered a no-drop ride so riders at different paces may not stay together.  These rides will normally be set by distance (~20 miles) or duration (~60-90 minutes) and routes will vary from flat to hilly courses.  To join a virtual Club ride, you will need to 'follow' the Ride Leader in Zwift.  You will be invited to join the FCC Club in Zwift where you will be able to see the scheduled events which will include the ride details.  It is recommended that you register for the ride to enable the leader to send the invite.  We use Discord to allow chat during the ride.

What is Required:  To join a virtual ride, you must have:

  • Indoor trainer (smart training highly recommended)
  • Zwift account
  • Be a member of the Zwift FCC Club
  • Discord installed on phone (optional but recommended to allow for voice chat during rides).  Discord can be found on both Apple and Google app stores.  The Discord channel link will be provided in the ride invite.

Group:  E

Route:  Coffee Ride: Watopia Flat https://www.zwift.com/events/view/4770864

Ride Leader:  Chris McDonough, c.mcdonough1983@gmail.com

                       Chuck Daniels, chuck.daniels@gmail.com

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