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Rapidan Ride

  • 13 Apr 2025
  • 10:00 AM
  • Lenn Park, 19206 Edwin Way, Culpeper, VA 22701



Rapidan Ride

Location:  Lenn Park, 19206 Edwin Way, Culpeper, VA 22701

This is a conversational paced 32-mile ride to the village of Rapidan along what is almost a 30-foot wide bike path with very little, if any, traffic.  Veterans of the Culpeper century may recognize these roads.  The route is mostly flat to slightly rolling with one easy “hill” on the return.

We will start from and return to Lenn Park (playground area) on Stevensburg Road (Rt 663) one mile north of Route 3.  Lenn Park has porta-potties and ample parking.

Much of the route parallels the Rapidan River which you will see once we are in Rapidan.  The rest stop at the turnaround is at the old bank, now serving as the Post Office. 

For those who want extra miles, an optional extension to Lignum is available (40 miles). 

While riders are certainly free to maintain their own pace, the Ride Leader will be leading at a moderate pace and waiting, if necessary, for stragglers. 


RWGPS Routes:


https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45528461  (32 mile route)

https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45528448  (40 mile route) 

Ride leaderPaul Cariker;  pjcariker@comcast.net

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