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Morgan's 2 for Tuesday Ride

  • 08 Apr 2014
  • 6:00 PM (EDT)
  • 20 Boscobel Rd., Fredericksburg 22401

Morgan Jenkins invites you to join her for the second club ride of the day on Tuesday!  If you are working during the morning ride but want to get some miles in before sun down, this is the ride for you.

Morgan and the group will be riding through some of south Stafford's backroads.  the ride will begin at 6 PM from the Mormon Church located at 20 Boscobel Rd., Fredericksburg in South Stafford. She asks that you park at the rear of the parking lot behind the church.

Cue sheets for routes 12, 18,and 23 miles long will be available.  New riders welcome!  For more information pleas contact Morgan at 540-220-0772 or Rosemary Pitts at 540-371-0398.

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