What does average speed REALLY mean when we list a ride? I used to lead a few rides, one in particular would atract riders who could hold thier own but, this ride would shell them. It was llisted as an A, A+ (20MPH) pace. I would get comments like, "You said 20MPH, I looked down and we were rolling at 25!" My reply would be something like, "Yeah, sorry, we averaged 21 when we got back to the parking lot." That ride had cul de sac regroups, a good hill and three or four sprint zones.
So, does Ride Speed mean, Average when we Finish?
Or, does Average Speed mean rolling in a (semi)polite paceline?
In a hilly ride, an A pace (20+) is BRUTAL
In a relatively flat ride an A pace -- Meeh, not so bad (as long as we mean rolling pace).
After a Ten Year abscence I'm back
Ben Holmes
Just an old disabled vet, trying to find someting that resembles his form of old.