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23 May Caroline Ride .gpx and .fit files

  • 22 May 2024 6:00 PM
    Message # 13360522

    For some reason turn by turn from the posted route on the calendar for the Caroline County Ride of 23 May does not provide turn by turn direction if you don't individually have a subscription to ridewithgps. I redrew in Garmin Connect and I attache the .fit file here for convenience.

    Happy Cycling!

    Here's how to unzip a file on Windows:

    1. Open the zipped folder
    2. Right-click the zipped folder
    3. Select Extract All
    4. Click Next
    5. Click Browse and choose a location to save the files
    6. Click Next
    7. Click Finish 

    2 files
  • 22 May 2024 9:07 PM
    Reply # 13360577 on 13360522


    I'm not sure why you are seeing this, unless you are trying to download the .fit file without having an account. If you are, there are easier ways to get the route to your head unit (especially for Garmin and Wahoo units). I also want to emphasize that there is no cost to anyone to take advantage of these options, except for FCC club membership.

    It has been some time since I have updated the RWGPS training or provided it to our new members, so I do want to to clarify a couple of things for folks just in case someone happens by here.

    1. Anyone that is a club member can get access to all the club routes and get club member benefits from our RWGPS account. They just need to sign up for RWPGS (they can sign up for a free account), then go to the club account page and 'Apply to Join'. Once our member coordinator validates that their club membership is current, they are granted access to the RWGPS club account.

    2.  Anyone that 'Pins' a route within their RWPGS account can get that route to sync to their head unit. They just need to follow the instructions to sync with their head unit that RWPGS provides.

    3. You do not need to have a paid subscription to RWGPS in order to have an account. There is a free sign up option, and that is sufficient to get access to the club account. RWPGS does not make it easy to find the free option based on the last time that I initiated a new account sign up, but let me know if you can't find the option and I'll reach out to RWGPS tech support to clarify.

    As always, if anyone has any issues with RWPGS, please reach out to me and I'll provide assistance. Mike's Email


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