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Downtown Evening Ride

  • 07 May 2014
  • 6:00 PM (EDT)
  • 10400 Dynasty Ct. Fredericksburg, VA

  Downtown Evening Ride

What a great way to unwind and at the same time take in some of what old town Fredericksburg has to offer. It is not a route built for speed but is a beautiful tour of the Battlefield, Mary Washington campus and downtown.  It could also include an ice cream stop.

Bruce White is the Ride Leader and he is also providing a No Drop Ride for new and slower riders.  He says no pace is too slow and that he will hang behind to help anyone who needs it along the way.  This is a great way to get some experience with riding in a group, if you are new to cycling.

There is only one 20 mile route; cue sheet is available for download.  Terrain is slightly rolling.

Ride Leader: Bruce White can be reached at htcdigtree@aol.com

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